Sunday 23 January 2011

Christmas Present

This is a birdcage filled with Origami Swans (my Surname) which I was given for Christmas. Its very pretty and I felt it deserved a place on my blog. Thank you Alex

Crochet Blanket

 Crochet Blanket
Close up
This blanket is an ongoing project, which will hopefully eventually be big enough to use as a blanket. I have used wool which I have been given to crochet this and its something to do whilst watching TV or drinking tea - like an old person. My aim was to do one circuit of colour, a different colour each day, but as it is now so big it takes a long time to do 1 lap. This has been a side project for about 1 year now.

Party Ring Biscuit Necklaces

 View with cord
 Close up of Party Rings
Back of Party Rings
These Party Ring biscuit necklaces were made using Fimo and I paid particular attention to make them as realistic as possible. They come in all 4 colours, just like the biscuits, with an adjustable cord. I sell these for £12 so let me know if you are interested.

Windmills Patchwork Quilt

 Patchwork Quilt

 Windmill Design
View of backing
Inspired by a trip to Holland, I decided to create windmill shapes on this patchwork quilt. The fabrics came as a coordinated roll and the flowery and organic patterns seemed appropriate for this. This was my very first patchwork quilt and it fits a double bed. It's backed with cream fabric and layered with wadding for extra warmth.

4 Seasons Patchwork Quilt

This quilt was created using a small square of every fabric I had. No two squares are the same and I arranged them as a colour wheel, representing the 4 seasons. The quilt fits a single bed and is backed with a vintage dark pink fabric.

Christmas cake

Here is a picture of my Christmas cake which I decorated with Christmas trees and a post van and post box tree decoration.